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CA Dentists Should Check Security Prescription Forms for Compliance
According to the Dental Board of California (DBC), as notified by the California State Board of Pharmacy (Pharmacy Board), there are a number of non-compliant security prescription forms in use by healthcare professionals, including dentists, that were printed by Department of Justice (DOJ) licensed security form printers. The DOJ is working with the printer vendors to get the security prescriptions forms into compliance.
According to California Health and Safety Code Section 11162.1, the security prescription forms used to prescribe controlled substances must contain 14 specific elements. The required elements can be found here (go to page 357). One of the missing elements on the non-compliant forms is a check box for ordering refills. Additional items missing on some forms include a lack of a watermark on the reverse side of the form.
The DBC and Pharmacy Board offer interim solutions to ensure compliance:
- Prescribers and dispensers need to be aware of the 14 required elements of the security prescription forms.
- Prescribers with non-compliant forms should reorder compliant forms from a DOJ-licensed security printer.
- Prescribers with non-compliant forms should consider using e-prescribing for controlled substances.
For more information, contact the DBC or Pharmacy Board.
Since 1992, OSHA Review, Inc. has provided dental professionals with comprehensive programs to support regulatory compliance and infection control. We are a registered continuing education provider in the state of California, specializing in Dental Practice Act, infection control, and OSHA training.