As we are in the midst of flu season, dental offices play a crucial role…
New Proposition 65 Sign Available in Other Languages
Under new amendments to Proposition 65, California dentists with ten or more employees that use or generate Proposition 65-listed chemicals in their offices have until August 30, 2018 to comply with one of the following:
- Post one sign at all public points of entry to the dental office or in each location within the office where an exposure is reasonably likely to occur. The notice/sign must be no smaller than 5 by 5 inches and printed in no smaller than 20-point type.
- Provide a warning with the required language with or in an informed consent form signed by the patient prior to exposure.
The new warning sign, as well one in Spanish, can be downloaded from OSHA Review’s website; after logging into your account, under the OSHA Review menu at the top of the page, select Document List.
Other language translations can be found at the following link:
Note that dental offices that provide signage in non-English languages would also have to provide any required Proposition 65 warnings in those languages, in addition to English.
Since 1992, OSHA Review, Inc. has provided dental professionals with comprehensive programs to support regulatory compliance and infection control. We are a registered continuing education provider in the state of California, specializing in Dental Practice Act, infection control, and OSHA training.