Chemical cleaners on the market to remove and clean biofilm from dental unit waterlines (DUWLs)…
Surface Disinfection: Cleaning is the Critical First Step
Here at OSHA Review, Inc, we have always advocated the importance of cleaning surfaces as a first step before disinfecting them. A recent article by infection prevention expert Darrel Hicks goes even further to describe cleaning and disinfection as “a process”, explaining that “disinfection/sterilization cannot be accomplished if soil removal is inadequate.” The article provides a good explanation why effective cleaning is the most important step in the process. Read the entire article at – What do We Mean When We Talk about “Cleaning” and “Disinfecting”?
As stated in previous blogs, many disinfectants are not effective cleaners and require a cleaning step commonly ignored in dental offices. It is important to always read the label on a disinfectant bottle to determine whether a separate cleaning product is needed. A two-step procedure must always be followed, whether using one product or two – CLEAN, THEN DISINFECT.
OSHA Review, Inc. provides the SUV Disinfectant & Cleaner in both concentrate and ready-to-use wipes. SUV Disinfectant and Cleaner meets OSHA and EPA regulations, and CDC recommendations. SUV is a hospital disinfectant proven effective against HIV, HBV and HCV.