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How to Properly Package and Store Dental Instruments

Dental healthcare personnel should follow the manufacturers’ instructions for packaging patient-care items. This includes following instructions for the item(s) being sterilized, the packaging, and any sterilization equipment being used. Refer to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Best Practices for Sterilization in Dental Settings for additional information.


After cleaning, instruments should be allowed to dry thoroughly before they are packaged/wrapped or otherwise contained. Wet instruments can compromise the packaging material’s integrity and ability to maintain sterility. Once dry, instruments should be inspected and then packaged/wrapped before heat sterilization. Packaging materials allow for penetration of the sterilization agent and maintain sterility of the processed item after sterilization.

The packages/wraps should remain sealed until the day they will be used and must be stored in a way to prevent contamination. Types of packaging materials include wrapped perforated instrument cassettes, plastic or paper pouches, and woven or nonwoven sterilization wraps. Materials should be compatible with the type of sterilization process being used.


Sterilized instruments should be stored in a clean, dry environment to maintain the integrity of the package(s). During storage, the packages must be labeled with the date of sterilization and the specific sterilizer used if more than one sterilizer is utilized in the facility. It is good practice to rotate the packages so that those sterilized first are used first. However, instruments theoretically remain sterile until the package is opened or compromised. If packaging is compromised, instruments should be re-cleaned, repackaged, and re-sterilized.

OSHA Review, Inc. a registered continuing education provider in the State of California, specializing in Dental Practice Act, infection control, and Cal/OSHA training. OSHA Review subscribers in California receive updated regulatory compliance and infection control training thorough our bi-monthly newsletter.

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