Chemical cleaners on the market to remove and clean biofilm from dental unit waterlines (DUWLs)…

Brief Dental Infection Control Reminder
Infection control is necessary for protection of dental healthcare personnel and patients.
- Keep hands clean. Cleaning your hands regularly with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer or soap and water is a simple yet effective tool to stop the spread of germs.
- Process instruments following standard precautions. All critical and semi-critical items should undergo sterilization or be discarded after use.
- Use personal protective equipment (PPE) correctly, as required. Use PPE whenever there is an expectation of possible exposure to infectious material.
- Clean and disinfect the environment. Regular environmental cleaning, especially in all high-traffic spaces where germs can spread is a necessity.
- Follow safe injection practices. Ensure patient and healthcare worker safety, including proper handling of needles and other sharp objects.
Always follow CDC recommendations and state requirements for proper dental infection control and prevention.
OSHA Review, Inc. a registered continuing education provider in the State of California, specializing in Dental Practice Act, infection control, and Cal/OSHA training. OSHA Review subscribers in California receive updated regulatory compliance and infection control training thorough our bi-monthly newsletter.