Chemical cleaners on the market to remove and clean biofilm from dental unit waterlines (DUWLs)…

DHCP Have a Responsibility to Help Patients Quit Smoking
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that a study released on June 22, 2023found that overall e-cigarette monthly unit sales increased by 46.6%—from 15.5 million units in January of 2020, to 22.7 million units in December of 2022. According to the study, flavored e-cigarettes and vaping products continued to be a popular vice among our nation’s youth during the pandemic.
While we have blogged on this topic in the past, the increase in e-cigarette use and vaping, especially among teens, warrants another blog reminder that dental healthcare personnel (DHCP) can play a large role in tobacco cessation by promoting healthy living as part of their patients’ treatments. Given the negative effects of all tobacco use on oral health and the evidence that vaping can become a gateway to regular cigarettes and other drugs, DHCP have a professional responsibility to provide tobacco education and cessation interventions to all patients, particular young people. At a minimum, DHCP should screen patients on whether or not they use tobacco products.
Our previous blog published on May 30, 2019, provides resources and information on tobacco cessation and prevention interventions for DHCP. Additionally for our OSHA Review subscribers, the July/August 2019 issue of OSHA Review covers tobacco cessation and prevention interventions in a dental office.