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Dental Board of California to Resume CE Audits
According to an article in the May 2023 edition of Board Matters, the Dental Board of California’s (DBC’s)online news publication, the DBC will be resuming random continuing education (CE) audits of active licensees each month to ensure licensees are completing their required units every two years and maintaining the proper documentation. The DBC will mail audit notices to the address of record to randomly selected licensees. If you are selected, you will have 30 days from the date of notice to respond with all requested CE documentation. Photocopies are accepted.
DBC CE Requirements for Licensees
Each dental licensee/permit holder must obtain, from a DBC-approved registered CE provider, a specific number of CE units during each renewal period, every 2 years.
- Dentists – 50 units
- Registered Dental Assistants – 25 units
- Registered Dental Assistants in Extended Functions – 25 units
- Orthodontic Assistant Permits – 25 units
- Dental Sedation Assistant Permits – 25 units
Licensees can conduct a BreEZe DCA license search to determine if a registered CE provider is approved. Registered C.E. providers must have a “current-active” (not expired) listed to be valid. Click on “More Detail” to check if the CE provider is approved for any of the three mandatory courses – Infection Control, Dental Practice Act, Schedule II Opioids.
All licensees must acquire two units in infection control and two units in California Dental Practice Act, as well as maintain current Basic Life Support (BLS) certification. Dentists must also take a 2-unit course covering responsibilities and requirements of prescribing Schedule II opioids. Licensees holding specialized permits such as general anesthesia and/or conscious sedation permits have additional CE obligations for license/permit renewal.
Employers must ensure that newly hired unlicensed dental assistants complete DBC-approved courses in California Dental Practice Act (two units) and infection control (eight units), and BLS certification, within a year of initial employment.
Up to half of CE units may be acquired through home study programs or correspondence courses. Additionally, all licensees must complete at least 80% of required units for license renewal in core subjects. Core subjects include clinical and scientific topics as well as courses mandated by the DBC, the State of California, or the federal government. Non-core dental courses include a broader scope of topics, such as risk management, employment matters, and dental practice flow.
Since 1992, OSHA Review, Inc. has provided dental professionals with comprehensive programs to support regulatory compliance and infection control. We are a registered continuing education provider in the state of California, specializing in Dental Practice Act, infection control, and OSHA training.