Dental healthcare personnel should follow the manufacturers’ instructions for packaging patient-care items. This includes following…
Back to Basics: Standard Precautions Essential for Dental Office Safety
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends and the Dental Board of California (DBC) requires standard precautions to be used for the care of all patients regardless of their diagnoses or personal infectious status. Standard precautions in dentistry refer to a set of infection prevention practices designed to prevent the transmission of infectious agents from patient to dental healthcare personnel (DHCP) and vice versa. These precautions are recommended regardless of patients’ perceived infection status and include: hand hygiene; use of personal protective equipment; sharps safety; cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization; proper waste management, etc. These precautions are essential to prevent the spread of infectious diseases in dental settings.
Since 1992, OSHA Review, Inc. has provided dental professionals with comprehensive programs to support regulatory compliance and infection control. We are a registered continuing education provider in the state of California, specializing in Dental Practice Act, infection control, and OSHA training.