The , formerly known as the Organization for Safety and Asepsis (OSAP), is sponsoring Dental…
CA Dentists must Post Several Radiation Notices in the Office
According to Section 30255(b) of Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations, the California Department of Public Health Radiological Health Branch (RHB) requires several notices to be conspicuously posted in a dental office for dental personnel to view:
- The RHB’s Notice to Employees – Standards for Protection Against Radiation(CDPH document RHB-2364)
- Excerpts from Title 17 (California) and Title 10 (Federal) regulations pertaining to radiation in the “healing arts” (which includes dentistry)
- Dental radiation operating and emergency instructions
For #2 and #3 above, the regulations allow flexibility if the documents cannot be easily posted, by stating, “if posting of documents is not practicable the user may post a notice which describes the document and states where it may be examined.”
For our subscribers of OSHA Review…The poster, RHB-2364, can be found as Poster #12A – Protection Against Radiation – in the OSHA Review Poster Set. The Excerpts and instructions documents should be located in the back of Section X of the OSHA Review binder or can be downloaded from OSHA Review’s website – If the regulations and the radiation procedures documents are not posted, then employees must be notified of their location, which can be denoted on the blank spaces on Poster #12A.