As the COVID-19 is now in an endemic phase, most of Cal/OSHA’s COVID-19 Non-Emergency Regulation…
Is Your CE Provider Approved to Give Mandatory Courses? – Dental Board of California
According to the Dental Board of California (DBC) and the Dental Hygiene Committee of California (DHCC), within the last couple of years, some of the continuing education (CE) providers offering the mandatory courses in Infection Control (IC) and the Dental Practice Act (DPA) may not have had the proper approval from the DBC pursuant to California Code of Regulations section 1016 (b)(1) to provide those courses. While these providers may be DBC-approved CE providers, they may not have specific approval to provide the two mandatory courses specified above.
Any mandatory course in IC or the DPA taken for license renewal must have specific DBC approval. Otherwise, those CE hours will not be accepted towards the mandatory courses required for license renewal. It is the licensee’s responsibility to verify whether a required course has proper approval from the DBC by searching the BreEZe website under License Search at
To our OSHA Review Subscribers: Our compliance program includes the two mandatory courses. Licensees are allowed to obtain up to half of their CE for license renewal through our correspondence program. Our mandatory courses are approved by the DBC, which can be viewed at
Since 1992, OSHA Review, Inc. has provided dental professionals with comprehensive programs to support regulatory compliance and infection control. We are a registered continuing education provider in the state of California, specializing in Dental Practice Act, infection control, and OSHA training.