Chemical cleaners on the market to remove and clean biofilm from dental unit waterlines (DUWLs)…
September is Dental Infection Control Awareness Month
The Organization for Safety and Asepsis (OSAP) is holding its annual Dental Infection Control Awareness Month (DICAM) during the entire month of September. OSAP’s goal during this campaign is to “to build patient trust, safety, awareness and distribute education of dental infection control.”
As stewards of health promotion and wellbeing, dentists have an ethical and legal responsibility to foster a safe and sanitary office environment for both patients and staff and to follow accepted infection control and prevention standards. Both OSHA and most state dental boards require safety and health standards to control infectious agents in dental offices. Additionally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has extensive recommendation on infection control and prevention practices to follow in a dental office.
For our OSHA Review Subscribers… The Dental Board of California (DBC) Infection Control Regulation can be found as Poster 13B in your OSHA Review Poster Set; Cal/OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogens Standard can be found in Section V of your OSHA Review binder; and the CDC dental infection control guidelines can be downloaded from our website.
Since 1992, OSHA Review, Inc. has provided dental professionals with comprehensive programs to support regulatory compliance and infection control. We are a registered continuing education provider in the state of California, specializing in Dental Practice Act, infection control, and OSHA training.