As we are in the midst of flu season, dental offices play a crucial role…
Biological Monitoring is the Gold Standard – Spore Testing
Dental personnel ask us all the time if chemical indicators are adequate to assess sterilizer functionality. In short, the answer is no. Generally speaking, sterilizer monitoring should include a combination of mechanical, chemical, and biological monitoring. However, while chemical and mechanical monitoring can provide early warning that a sterilizer may not be functioning properly (and are highly recommended for each load), biological monitoring using a spore test is considered the gold standard for testing sterilizer functionality, and is the only required sterilizer monitoring method in California.
OSHA Review, Inc. a registered continuing education provider in the State of California, specializing in Dental Practice Act, infection control, and Cal/OSHA training. OSHA Review subscribers in California receive updated regulatory compliance and infection control training thorough our bi-monthly newsletter.
In addition, OSHA Review, Inc. provides sterilizer monitoring services in all 50 states through the Spore Check System. The Spore Check System is endorsed by the Arizona, California, Ohio and Texas Dental Association.