As we are in the midst of flu season, dental offices play a crucial role…
Use EPA-Registered Disinfectants on Surfaces – Infection Control
All clinical contact surfaces that are not protected by impervious barriers must be cleaned and disinfected using a low- to intermediate-level hospital disinfectant registered with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The low-level disinfectants used must be labeled as effective against HBV and HIV.
And unless the disinfectant is labeled as a cleaner, then it cannot be used to clean first. It is recommended to consider using an EPA-registered product labeled for both cleaning and disinfecting, so long as both steps are performed separately. Dental healthcare personnel must always follow label and safety data sheet (SDS) instructions for proper use.
SUV Disinfectant is EPA-registered. Additionally, SUV’s special formula contains a powerful cleaning agent, for use as an effective surface cleaner prior to surface disinfection and ultrasonic cleaner prior to instrument sterilization.
OSHA Review, Inc. a registered continuing education provider in the State of California, specializing in Dental Practice Act, infection control, and Cal/OSHA training. OSHA Review subscribers in California receive updated regulatory compliance and infection control training thorough our bi-monthly newsletter.
OSHA Review, Inc. provides the SUV Disinfectant & Cleaner in both concentrate and ready-to-use wipes. SUV Disinfectant and Cleaner meets OSHA and EPA regulations, and CDC recommendations. SUV is a hospital disinfectant proven effective against HIV, HBV and HCV.