Chemical cleaners on the market to remove and clean biofilm from dental unit waterlines (DUWLs)…
Compliance with Sterilizer Monitoring Requirements – Spore Testing
Most state dental boards require weekly spore testing. In addition to CDC’s infection control recommendations include weekly sterilizer monitoring. Staying in compliance can be a challenge especially if staff skips a week due to vacations or even terminations. If the person in charge of testing drops the ball, how can you avoid long gaps between testing and non-compliance? The following suggestions can help eliminate non-compliance:
- Set a reminder alert in the office’s computer calendar
- Place a reminder next to the sterilizer to run a spore test weekly
- Give responsibility to those in charge of the outgoing mail in addition to the sterilizer tech to make sure a spore test is sent out weekly
Finally the Spore Check System from OSHA Review can help. Our database tracks the testing and provides automatic notification to offices that exceed more than 15 days between tests. This way your office can be certain to comply with state requirements.