Chemical cleaners on the market to remove and clean biofilm from dental unit waterlines (DUWLs)…
SUV Disinfectant and Supersonic Handpiece Lubricant Offer – April 7, 2014 Deadline
This is an exclusive offer for existing VIP Customers of OSHA Review, call by April 7, 2014 to take advantage. Dial 800-555-6248 and mention offer code K14EA.
You will receive:
- One bottle of SUV Disinfectant & Cleaning Solution (makes 16 gallons) – Use as a Surface disinfectant, Ultrasonic and Vacuum line cleaning solution.
- One canister (80 Wipes) of SUV Wipes – Ready-to-use disinfecting wipes with a 4-minute contact time
- One bottle of Supersonic Handpiece Lubricant and Cleaner
- Free Items – spray bottles, mixing containers, and measuring device for the SUV Disinfectant solution.